Rundialog box Shortcut or Computer shortcuts, open quick program on computer then type Win+r then type list, computer , software, hardware, networking, radhikainfotech, radhika infotech, 8540023396
Run dialog box Shortcuts
How to open RUN dialog box
[Type ##info##] - [Open ##link##]
- Notepad - Notepad
- Powerpnt - Power point
- Calc - Calculator
- Write - Word pad
- Explorer - My computer
- Cmd or Command - MS Dos
- Dxdiag - Computer properties
- Winword - MS word
- Excel - Excel
- Mspaint or Pbrush - Paint
- Control panel or control - Control panel
- Iexplore - Internet explorer
- Control admintools - Administrative Tools
- Rstrui - System restore
- Taskmgr - Task manager
- Osk - On screen keyboard
- Narrator - MS Narrator
- Diskmgmt.msc or hdwwiz.cpl - Disk Management
- Charmap - Character Map
- Regedit or regedt32 - Registry Editor
- diskpart - Disk Partition Manager
- Mstsc - Remote desktop connection
- Shutdown /r - Restart Windows
- Shutdown /s - Shuts down windows
- Logoff - Log Out windows
- Timedate.cpl - Date and time
- Stikynot - Sticky note
- Mmsys.cpl - Sound
- Soundrecorder - Sound Recorder
- Sndvol - Sound Volume
- Snippingtool - Snipping Tool
- Fonts - Fonts folder
- Control desktop - Personalization
- Downloads - Download folder
- Desk.cpl - Screen resolution
- Sysdm.cpl - System Properties